Monday, January 4, 2010


Its been such a long time since I posted anything I doubt anyone will even read this but if you do...I am changing the purpose of this blog. While, someday I would still love to make a cookbook that promotes peace, is allergy friendly, and kid friendly. Right now, I have decided to simply post allergy/kid friendly recipes online. As for the peace part, well, to me any time I bake or share food with someone I also share love and peace. Cooking makes me happy in a way that is hard to describe. Even if no one ever reads this blog, for me it will be worth the adventure!
And if you are reading this...Thanks for sharing this journey with me!

Recently, I have needed to learn how to cook gluten free. I have have struggled against this newest challenge. There is something about the smell of yeasty bread and the feel of flour (wheat flour) that makes me so happy. Gluten free recipes do not have the same effect one me. However, I have found that when a gluten free recipe turns out, and it tastes good!, I gain a lot more satisfaction from the result than I do from a "normal" recipe.

The allergy list for this house includes:
Sea Food
Wheat (but we are completely gluten free, not just wheat free)
and several other things!

Dairy is the main allergy/sensitivity that we have to deal with. Out of the eight people in my family 5 are sensitive or allergic to dairy (and I don't just mean lactose! Casein, lactose, whey, you name it- we can't have it!).

Right now, and hopefully it will be something that is not life long, wheat is only a big no-no for one person. Of course, when that one person is three years old it is just mean to eat food in front of the little guy that he cannot have. That means, for the most part, we as a family are gluten free.


  1. HI Brittany, I have developed gluten free recipes around my own food allergies, gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and yeast. I have combined old fashioned sourdough techniques with gluten free seed and grain flours and have come up with excellent, delicious breads, muffins and pancakes. They are also free of dairy, eggs, soy, yeast, sweeteners, gums and baking powder. Very suitable for sensitive digestions. I have posted the starter recipe and my first successful loaf of bread on my blog, and here is the direct link:
    My complete, and continually growing recipe book, Art of Gluten Free Sourdough Baking, is available in pdf form on my website,
    Good Luck,

  2. Allergies are always hard to deal with. I recently found out I'm allergic to eggs and have to avoid them in all things--including cookies and the like. :(

    I look forward to seeing what recipes you come up with.


  3. Thanks Sharon! I will keep an eye out for your book! And I look forward to trying some of your sourdough techniques!

    Robyn, I will keep you in mind and try to post some recipes without eggs or at least give some alternatives! Sorry to hear about your new challenge but don't worry there are plenty of things that you can still have! Its definitely hard to get used to in the beginning though!
